Sunday, July 31, 2016

Hello Russia

Hello Russia.

One of the features of this blog site is that I can see where the readers are and I have noticed that, over the last month or so, many people in Russia are reading it (or a few people many times).

I am just curious to know why.  Has it been set as a school project and you are preparing critiques? Is there a burning desire to sell the house and sail off into the blue and you are looking for the pitfalls to avoid? Or is it just a quirk of technology that is giving you this site when you are really looking for the latest music download for a band called LionelandElsie?

I would love to know, so please add a comment to this post.


1 comment:

  1. Unintended consequence.
    We really don't mind anyone from anywhere reading the blog. That's what it is for. But since posting this, the Russian viewers have ceased. Is it that they suddenly realised that they were being watched and have an aversion to this? Or is it (paranoid) that it is the Russian state that is watching, with a view to world domination of batty retirees, and are now covering their tracks?
